Young Apprentice Challenge
In the Autumn term of Year 6, the children are set a challenge to start their very own businesses!
Their task is to use the £4 stake they are given to buy whatever equipment or ingredients they need and then to generate as much profit as possible by the Spring term.
The children's businesses can be anything which involves them providing a service or making a product for people to buy, such as: washing cars, making cards or toys, selling cakes etc. They MUST earn whatever money they make, pay for any goods or equipment they use and keep detailed records of their financial transactions and activities. When they have made their first sales, they must reinvest the money they make and continue to expand their business.
In the spring term, the children are asked to present their business ventures, including what they did and how they raised their money, to a panel of judges. They are expected to explain their finances and consider ways they could further expand their business if they were to continue!
When all the profits have been collected, the children decide as a class how they are spent but they must provide something to support the local community, something for the school, give a donation to their chosen class charity and of course, organise their own class treat day!
Well done to our 2025 Young Apprentice Finalists!
Year 6 had great fun creating their businesses and selling their products! Here they are at the school fair!
Well done to our 2024 Young Apprentice Finalists!
Take a look at the businesses of our finalists!
young apprentice final ppt for assembly 2024.pdf
All of our Y6 children enjoyed selling their products at the school Young Apprentice Fair!