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SS Peter's & Paul Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Mission, Vision & Ethos

Our Ethos/ Mission Statement:

Learning through Faith, Hope and Love


Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy, is part of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust. Catholic Schools are in place to assist the church in its mission. 'This educational mission entails the ongoing development of the entire potential of every person.  It seeks to promote the wellbeing and freedom of every person, which shape the daily life of a Catholic school as a community in which faith is expressed and shared through every aspect of its activity' (statement from Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, May 2000).

The values of the school by our living Catholic faith and the traditions of the Catholic Church. governors, staff, parents and pupils have recently reviewed the school's Vision Statement.

Please click here to find out how we designed our  Vision Statement

To read our vision statement - please click here

Blessing of our School 

Archbishop Arthur Roche blessed our new school building on 19th September 2012.

The school was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The school is to be conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with canon law and teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Leeds and in particular Religious Education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and general and particular norms of the Catholic Church;

Religious worship is to be in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church;

At all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.