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SS Peter's & Paul Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Catholic Life Archive

Year 6 leavers speeches

The children in Year 6 each presented their 'Leaver's Speech' as part of our Leaver's Liturgy - there were lots of heartfelt messages of thanks as well as the sharing of many wonderful memories.  The children also read prayers and sang their favourite hymns!  A very joyous celebration of their time in Ss Peter & Paul school! 

End of year Mass

The whole school enjoyed celebrating our end of year Mass in Church!

The whole school enjoyed celebrating the Feast day of our Patron Saints - Ss Peter & Paul - with parents, families and members of the Parish!

As we approach the Feast of Ss Peter & Paul, we thought you might like learn a little more about our Patron Saints!

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Congratulations to our Year 4 children who have made their First Holy Communion!  The whole school very much enjoyed celebrating with you in our Corpus Christi Mass and Procession! 

Congratulations to Year 1 who have filled our Foodbank box - brilliant to see the children working hard to support our local community!

The whole school enjoyed the celebration of Mass for the feast of the Ascension.  Below you will hear the children singing the entrance hymn, 'Go out! Go out!' 

The whole school enjoyed a beautifully reflective service in Church in honour of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  We prayed quietly during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, we sang a couple of hymns and then the whole school processed from Church to the school field saying the rosary.  Once on the field we all laid a flower next to our statue of Mary then sang another hymn together!

Congratulations to the children in Year 4 who presented money from our Lent fundraising efforts to Bishop Marcus at the Good Shepherd Service in Leeds Cathedral!

Year 5 have enjoyed a Spiritual Retreat with an overnight stay at Herd Farm! Have a look at the photographs below:

The children decorated prayer spinners and used star stickers to represent people and things they wanted to pray for. 

Year 5 enjoyed a guided meditation based on the story of The Pear: 

Year 5 enjoyed night prayers in the woods. Everyone said something they were thankful for during the day:

The following day, Year 5 had their first session of preparation for the                Sacrament of Confirmation:

Year 5 wrote and led a beautiful Collective Worship on the virtue of resilience and perseverance. 

The reading was from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians - put on the armour of God - the children journaled using an image of armour and thought about what values and qualities God gives us to help protect us from doing the wrong thing: 

Wishing all of our families a happy and holy Easter!

All children in school have walked the Stations of the Cross as we prepare ourselves for Easter.  Below you can see pictures of Y1 and Y6 completing their Stations Pilgrimage!

Year 5 presented parents and the whole school with a reflective and very impressively performed play all about the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus!  Well done to all children and staff in Year 5!

Year 3 made their First Reconciliation in Church - congratulations to you all!

KS2 took part in a reflective Reconciliation Service led by Year 4 before having individual confessions with Fr David & Fr Tom

All children enjoyed 'Wacky Hair Day' as part of our Lenten Fundraising for The Good Shepherd Appeal!

All children enjoyed a game of 'Beetle Drive' as part of our Lenten Fundraising for The Good Shepherd Appeal.  Below you can see Year 6 supporting their buddies in Reception with this game!

The whole school celebrated Mass together on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of the Season of Lent!

Please see below a guide for parents about Lent and all we will do in school to prepare the children for Easter!

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During our Bible Study Week, children spent time reading the Bible at home; they were keen to share photographs of this with us!

Congratulations to Year 6 who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation

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Harvest Celebrations!

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Read all about our Liturgies, Worship & links with the Parish!

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Year of the Word - Window Challenge
Please send us your entries now!

We would like the children to take a digital picture (or draw and scan one) of whatever they can safely see through their window, inside their home, or from the garden. The children need to add the Chapter and Verse of whatever lines from Scripture the picture brings to mind.

Please email entries in to schooloffice@ssppyeadon.org together with their name and year group.

All entries will be passed on to the Diocese and the pictures will be published on the Year of the Word Instagram:

Please see below some examples. We look forward to seeing all your pictures!

Well done to the children who have submitted 'Windows of Word' - they all look lovely and are so reflective! Thank you

Please see the document below for 30 days of character building activities to help you to develop positive character virtues.  

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Look below to see how we have been celebrating 'The Year of the Word'. 

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Well done Reception. You told the Christmas story beautifully. 

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 Look below to see all of the charity work our Mini - Vinnies have been doing. 

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Year 5 really enjoyed their spiritual retreat together to Ampleforth.

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See the document below for an outline of how we are celebrating the 'Year of the Word - The God who speaks'

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 Well done to all of KS2 who led us in a beautiful, prayerful carol service.  

A very holy and prayerful blessing of the advent wreath service.

Congratulations to Year 4 who made their First Holy Communion! 

See how we celebrated the lives of our Patron Saints. 

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Collective Worship is central to everything that we do at Ss Peter and Paul Primary School.  

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See what 'FUN' draising the children have been doing to help charities. 

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Many of our children have enjoyed being spiritual on a lunchtime, taking part in a mediation and mindfulness club. 

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 Our children were very proud to make their First Confession. 

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In our school we are running the award scheme 'Faith In Action'. Take a look at the articles below to see how our children have been getting involved. 

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The Month of the Rosary

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See how our school participated in the Extraordinary Month of Mission during October.  

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Our school even held a Rosary Cup tournament to raise money during the Extraordinary Month of Mission. 

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A very moving Easter Production from KS2.

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Every February, Year 5 enjoy a spiritual retreat to Ampleforth Abbey. 

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Take a look at the article below to see what a lovely evening Year 6 had celebrating their confirmation. 

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In school we now have many children serving regularly on the altar at our Parish Church. Read below to find out how some children have received their Guild of St Stephen medal. 

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We continue to have fantastic links with our Parish Church. See the article below to see what has been happening. 

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Take a look at the article below to see what our Mini Vinnies have been doing to help in the community.

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Every year the children perform a really moving retell of the Easter story. See one example below where the children even made a small film in church to feature in their production. 

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Our school shares a wonderful relationship with people of our local Parish. We now even have partners that pray for us. Read about how this works below. 

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A beautiful celebration for our children making their First Holy Communion.

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The children told the Christmas story beautifully. 

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 Take a look at how Ss Peter and Paul celebrated The Year of Mercy. 

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 Read below to find out how we raised money for CAFOD during Advent.  

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 We believe at school it is as important for not only our children but our staff too, to have the opportunities to enhance their spiritual experiences. Read about the latest experience below. 

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Our school holds strong links with Our Parish Church. Read below about how we work together. 

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We often hold RE theme weeks in school. See below to read all about our week, which had a focus on our school prayer. 

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We follow the John Paul Virtues in school to develop good habits. 

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In school, firstly we learn about our Catholic Faith but we also understand that it is important to have knowledge of other Faiths. 

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Mrs Filarowski composed a beautiful Mission Together hymn for the Extraordinary Month of Mission.  The official Mission Together charity have said they may even adopt it as their official Mission Hymn!  We are so very proud of Mrs Filarowski.

Please click here to read all about it!

 The children are enjoying their Bible studies!

We celebrated our Harvest Mass together thanking God for the many gifts which we are now able to share with the less fortunate in our community

Children are enjoying the opportunities we have to celebrate Mass in their classroom with parents/carers also taking part!

The children enjoyed a very spiritual pilgrimage to Byland Abbey during the Holy Year of Mercy!

During the month of May some members of staff and families have met in Church before the start of the school day to pray the Rosary!

KS2 enjoyed taking part in our May procession, saying the Glorious mysteries of the Rosary together and singing some hymns!

The blessing of our new Ss Peter & Paul Window!

Well done to our children for organising 'Games Week' and raising money for Catholic Care in the process!

Congratulations to all of Key Stage 2 for leading our school in a very prayerful Carol Service.

Our Worship during Advent has prepared us well for the coming of Jesus at Christmas!

Our Mini Vinnies have performed for some of the elderly of the parish at their Fish & Chip Lunch.

Congratulations to our Mini Vinnies who were commissioned in assembly.

Listen to our children play and sing our new school hymn: 'Here we are Lord'

We have celebrated our end of year Mass and are saying a special 'goodbye' and 'good luck' to all in Year 6!

Present and past staff, governors, pupils and parents all gathered together for the Celebration of Mass to mark the 50th anniversary of Ss Peter & Paul's School!

Monsignor Paul Grogan joined us for the celebration of Mass.  He then had lots of fun in Year 4 answering the children's questions.  Monsignor Grogan attended our school as a child and his Father was the first ever headteacher of Ss Peter & Paul School!

The children enjoyed an ice-cream  - celebrating 50 years of Ss Peter & Paul School!

Previous and current members of staff, governors and parents gather for tea and coffee to celebrate 50 years of Ss Peter & Paul!

The children are enjoying using our School Prayer Garden!